Maps & statistics
- Hacking map
- Meteorite map
- Visual
- Aandeelhouders en beurswaarde bedrijven wereldwijd
- Beurswaarde bedrijven worldwide
- Worldwide map of slavery
- World map photo's taken
- Wikipedia-Worldview
- Amsterdam Growing
- Instagram Food Capitals
- Climate change
- Maps of the World
- Interactive maps from Amsterdam
- Cool Mpas
- Eat This Much Dietschedule
- Zoomquilt
- Anasomnia
- Instantstreetview
- Instructables
- Wolframalpha zoekmachine
- Google Streetview Art
- A Good Movie To Watch
- Find Music From Movies and Tv
- Yulook
- Mount Everest in 3D
- Ambient sounds to wash away distraction
- Sneeze the Dragon
- Madison Music Machine
- Crossfade Youtube Video
- The Faces of Facebook
- Viral Nova
- insideabbeyroad